The Brian Boru Division 14 was established in May 2015 to promote and preserve Irish heritage and culture in Middlesex County, while upholding the motto of our order: "Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity." We take great pride in our philanthropic efforts within the Catholic Church and the local community, raising funds for various causes such as Project St. Patrick, support for Catholic schools, and other local charities.
The Division meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM at Corpus Christi RC Church in South River, NJ.
We will Celebrate the Holy Mass at Corpus Christi RC Church as a Division at the 9:30 AM Mass on the last Sunday of the month. Please arrive by 9:00 AM to say the Holy Rosary as a Division in the Church. Also, if you have a Division polo shirt, please wear it. If you need one, email
Join Our Division
We are always looking for those who are Catholic and of Irish Descent who want to help preserve and promote their Catholic faith and Irish Heritage. If you want to join, please CLICK HERE to bring you to our Membership page to fill out an membership application. Once filled out, someone from our Division will contact you.
Irish-American Heritage Month
The NJ Legislature passed a bipartisan Joint Resolution (AJR 63) designating the month of March as Irish-American Heritage Month in New Jersey. The Resolution was signed into law by Governor Murphy on September 15, 2022.
Among other things, the Resolution recognizes Irish emigration to the United States in the 19th century and how Irish immigrants who joined the Union Army helped preserve the Union during the Civil War. The Resolution also celebrates the contributions of generations of Irish-Americans to the cultural and economic growth of the nation and the State of NJ through their hard work.
The AOH has promoted the expansion of Irish-American Heritage Month throughout the country. Much thanks to National Vice President Sean Pender who worked with one of the Resolution sponsors (Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo) to make this happen in NJ.